
Carleton University and our project partners wish to acknowledge the support of the Canadian Cultural Online Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Native Dance was a collaboration of many institutional partners, and innumerable individual contributors from across Canada. Many thanks to the following:

Marcus Alfred

Pewi  Dorothy Alfred

American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

Stephen Augustine

Anthony Bansfield

George Beaver

Charles P. Bellefleur

Marie Angela Bellefleur

Aaron Benson

Pauline Brooks

Lynda Brown

Sadie Buck

Mary Channon Caldwell

Wendy Campbell

Canadian Heritage

Canadian Museum of History (formerly The Canadian Museum of Civilisation)

Carleton University

Celina Cada-Matasawagon

Emerence Cardinal

Tim Cathcart-Black

Mary Jane Cazon

David Charette

Lyse Chartrand

Jason Cheechoo

Laurie Chovinov

Cle-alls, John Medicine Horse Kelly

Jack Coghill

Paula Conlon

Jason Coonishish

Alan Corbiere

Cree Asian: Matthew Wood

Sam Cronk

Pauline Decontie

Robin Decontie

Irena Denny

Joel Denny

Joel Nathan Denny Jr

Jonathan Denny

Kathy Denny.

Kewniq Denny

Kwimu Denny

Sarah Denny, Jr

Beverley Diamond

Maureen Donelly/Mckay

Diana Doxtdator

George Duma

Charlie and Louise Etapp

Genevieve Eustache

Miles Finlayson

William Firth

Susan Fisher

Full Circle

Gildas Box of Treasures Theatre

Kristy Giles

Darlene Gilson

Gorsebrook Research Institute

Judith Gray

Rose Gregoire

Marie Elaine Guenette

Lorraine Henderson

Sarah Herne

Ray Hagel

Crystal Henry

Judy Harris

Anna Hoefnagels

Iskotew Lodge

Jija Jacobs

Andrew Jeddore

Beverley Jeddore

Sarita Jeddore

Damon Johnston

Kanata Native Dance Theatre

Elaine Keillor

Amos Key, Jr.

Vince Kicknosway

Kitigan Zibi Anishinaabeg Cultural Education Centre/Centre culturel Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

Bren Kolson

Frank Krzyzewski

Erica Lafford

Joan Lafford

Gary Lafontaine

Andrea LaForet

Sandra Laronde

Julio Leiva

Library and Archives Canada

Stan Loutitt

Michael MacDonald

Monique Manatch

Lise McMillan

Frank Meness

Elma Miller

Jordan Mitchell

Mary Moylum

Sylvia Morin

Lynne Normand

Kathleen Nuna

Nicole Obomsawin

Odawa Friendship Centre

Evelyn Osborne

Pauline Huppie Parsons

Danny J. Paul

Elizabeth Penashue

Francis Penashue

Pien Penashue

Karen Pheasant

Pinegrove Productions

Naomi Powless

Debra Prince

Red Sky

Research Centre for the Study of Music, Media and Place, Memorial University

Sylvestre and Mary Rich

Tanya Richard

Cynthia Rickard

Ronathahon:ni Cultural Centre

Julia Sable

Trudy Sable

Andrea Sanborn

Maurice Simon

Wilma Simon

James Small

Doug Smalley

Edward Solodukhin

Bev  Souliere

Sumner Group, Inc.

Mary Rose Sundberg

Kendra Tagoona

Andrew Thomas

U’mista Cultural Society

Douglas von Rosen

Franziska von Rosen

William Wasden, Jr.

Jacob Wawatie

Woodland Cultural Centre

Roy A. Wright

Lucy Yakeleya

© 2025 This project was made possible with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through Canadian Culture Online
Indigenous Dance